Mommy Going Crazy

August 1, 2006

Are dogs and Kiddos made from the same mould?

Filed under: parenting — by mommygoingcrazy @ 12:22 pm

They say a dog is the reflection of their owners and in a lot of ways children are the reflection of their ‘owners’ or as most people would say, caregivers.   Here are some observations of my dog Casey (who lives on a farm now) compared to some of the kiddos’ behaviors:

Casey was never fully potty trained and so far I have not potty trained any of my children without help from an outside source (daycare, mother-in-law).

Casey would run off and disappear.  Princess Girl has run off once, out the front door.  Plus, all the kiddos think running off in the grocery store is the best game in town.

Casey loved to jump on the bed and snuggle.  All the kiddos spend a lot of time cuddling in our bed.

Casey would jump our fence after somehow releasing herself from the collar and/or chain.  J-boy could open child locks before the age two.  He removes plug covers and basically cannot be ‘tied down’ at all.  Princess Girl can pretty much wiggle herself out of any restraining device, with the exception her car-seat.  FYI: I don’t tie her down, I was talking about grocery carts.

There are a few correlations between my kiddos and my dog’s behavior.  It’s not scientific study but interesting.  Do you think you can predict what kind of parent someone would be just by observing their dog’s behavior?  Something to ponder.  

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