Mommy Going Crazy

August 7, 2006

I’m Back and I bring Bodily Fluids…

Filed under: blog,children,parenting — by mommygoingcrazy @ 5:47 pm

Wow, it has been a few days since I have written anything.  It’s not because I was busy, which I was, but because my wrists were really, really sore.  I decided the best thing to do was to type the minimum I could get away with.  They are feeling better, not a hundred percent but getting there.  Now for the bodily fluids….

Most blogs usually naturally gravitate to having a theme.  This one is pretty much parenting and children.   You can find poetry blogs, tech blogs, hobby blogs, celebrity blogs, current event blogs etc.  I was thinking that a parent could write a blog just about bodily fluids.  I think you would be hard press to NOT find a parenting blog that didn’t have at least one bodily fluid entry.  Me included x10.  I have a half a dozen stories on the tip of my fingertips, right now.

Like the time we discovered that First Born was allergic to eggs, at IHOP.  He was probably 13/14 months old.  We had got him scrambled eggs and pancakes.  Halfway through his breakfast he brought all of his partially digested breakfast back up all over the floor, table and himself.  It was a huge, unpleasant mess.  He has since grown out of the allergy but he doesn’t touch scrambled eggs with a ten foot poll.  Maybe his subconscious remembers the incident.

Oh, and another time First Born called me after going poopy. “Mom!! My poop is green!”  I looked in the toilet and sure enough it was green.  I was on the brink of panicking when I remembered he had at a blue  Popsicle that day.   Don’t you love how kiddos’ poop turns the color of the food they ate? (is isn’t just my kiddos, right?)  Baby Boy is starting carrots this week, yeah, orange poop.   

I can’t forget about the time J-boy decided that the bathroom was too far away in the middle of the night (note it’s right next to his room) and peed in his water glass instead.

Ok, ok, I’ll stop.  I do think I’m a little weird that I am sharing a sampling of my bodily fluid stories but if this helps one first time mom when her child has orange poop then my job is complete. 😉

1 Comment »

  1. My favorite was freaking my MIL out after my oldest ate a red crayon. The panicked ” WHY is it RED!” was great….

    I got barfed on last night if it makes you feel any better….

    Comment by thordora — August 8, 2006 @ 5:30 pm |Reply

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