Mommy Going Crazy

July 6, 2006

Zoo Outing

Filed under: baby,children,family,photos,summer,zoo — by mommygoingcrazy @ 12:26 pm

Bunkie, Auntie JJ, the Kiddos and I all set out for the zoo on a cloudy humid day. The drive was long and the kids were restless and fought in the back seat but we managed to arrive in one piece.

DinoRoars Stamp Our first stop was at one of the animatronics dinosaurs.  The boys had little cards that they could get embossed at each dinosaur they found.  Unfortunately J-boy’s was lost within 15 minutes of coming to the park and First Born ruined his in the water misters, but they had fun while it lasted.

Pretty hat The first animals we saw were the flamingos where I had to take a shot of Princess Girl in her sunhat. 

J-boy was whining to eat lunch so we stopped at picnic tables and they ate, sort of.   Between the three they probably ate 5 Pringles, 3 fruit snack packs and one and half sandwiches. 

Roar!They were off and running again.  We found T-rex where Hannah supplied all the sounds.  First Born was nice enough to stop and let me take a picture of him with the dinosaur and here baby. Princess Girl and J-boy were not interested in picture taking most of the day.

Look how tall the hills isThe giraffes were a big hit for the grown ups, the kiddos preferred the termite mounds. 

Princess pets the elephantPrincess Girl and I got to spend some quality time looking at the elephants.  She loved them throwing dirt on themselves. How come they don’t sneeze?  She also spent a lot of time with the little bronze statue of an elephant named Bonnie.

Ahh RefreshingWe found some water misters, need I say more?

First Born has a taker!One of the biggest treats was the Parakeet enclosure. For a dollar you get a tongue depressor with peanut butter on it dipped in birdseed. The birds would fly down and eat off the stick.  Just the big boys and Auntie JJ went in.  I didn’t want bird droppings dropping my way.  Princess girl is allergic to peanuts, so she couldn’t go in she didn’t seem to mind.

Waiting for BunkieThen we lost Bunkie and Princess Girl.  They went to the bathroom.  Instead of coming back to where we split up they went on to Wild Texas.  It got to the point that we contacted security thinking that Bunkie ht gotten lost.  The whole time we were waiting and waiting they were having a blast.  It was probably an hour before she wandered back to us. Her cell phone?  Was in Auntie JJ’s purse.

RefreshmentsWe all went to Wild Texas and the grown ups ate lunch while the kiddos got a drink.  The air conditioner was great.  It was so humid that I had sweat dripping down my face in rivulets.

Look a little Wagon!Wild Texas has a barn play area where the kids went wild.  I never got a shot of First Born playing. I had to wrestle Princess Girl out of there.  I think they played for over a half hour.  That gave me time to go to the candy shop and get yummy fudge and a treat for The Husband.  First Born went shopping for a wallet.

Baby Boy at Zoo 3 Poor Baby Boy was bored out of his mind. He was good and happy the whole time, though!  We couldn’t ahve asked for more.

At the 4 hour mark we were pooped, so we loaded up the kiddos and headed back. The drive home was a lot quieter, well until they woke up frm their power naps!

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